Pilsner 3-4,5 EBC 1kg Viking
Mallas Pilsner 3-4,5 EBC Viking
Viking Pilsnermallas on tehty 2-tahoisesta suomalaisesta ohrasta.
Soveltuu perusmaltaana useimpiin oluttyyppeihin aina 100% osuuteen asti. Antaa vain vähän väriä.
Väri (EBC): 3-4,5
Ainesosat: Mallastettu OHRA.
Englanninkielinen tuotekuvaus:
Pilsner Malt is made from 2-row Finnish spring barley. Steeping and germination conditions are chosen to promote even germination and homogenous modification. The final air-on temperature in kilning is typically 80-85 °C. Pilsner malt flavour is usually described as slighty nutty and sweet.
Great malt for all malt beers but there is enough activity and character for base malt use in many brewing applications. For all kind of whiskies. The colour of pilsner malt is low.
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